Heartwood Preserve - Folly Park Cairn

We create spaces that reach through and spark thought.

Landscape architecture can expertly address function but can do more. No matter the project, we are driven to mindfully sculpt spaces that delight, calm, and move the people who experience them.

Our studio’s methodology honors two aspects of a whole experience. First, a concept emerges from the nature of the place — its location, ecology, culture, inhabitants, and heroes. Second, there is the translation of that concept into reality — when program, proportion, form, light, materiality, and nature’s rich spectrum come into play. This synthesis and purposeful approach to concept, design, and physicality result in places that transcend and stay with you.

Beyond place making, MSLA embraces its responsibility to the planet and humanity. 

MSLA revels in the privilege to study and share the wonder of nature and sees it as a constant muse. That abiding respect for the force of nature comes through in the firm’s aesthetics and its celebrated approach to environmental infrastructure and stewardship

After decades of passion, grit, and collaborative spirit we continue to evolve and reflect a changing world. We have intentionally gotten smaller in order to better serve our clients and focus on projects that will make significant contributions to both culture and nature. 

From a private estate on the Baltic Sea, to 500-acres of climate change infrastructure in Nebraska, MSLA creates beautiful and meaningful places that serve the world.